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Reverse engineering PDP-11 BASIC: Part 26


This short post describes TRAP 116 and the BASIC RUN, STOP, END and RANDOMIZE commands. For context and a list of other posts on this topic, see the PDP-11 BASIC reverse engineering project page.

TRAP 116

TRAP 116 is used to reset the running state of a program. Here's the code:

001256 005067 CLR 13670
001262 005767 TST 13666
001266 001404 BEQ 1300
001270 016705 MOV 13666, R5
001274 005067 CLR 13666
001300 000207 RTS PC

Let's see how it works.

001256 005067 CLR 13670

The value at memory location 13670 is cleared. As mentioned in Part 24, when describing the INPUT, READ and RESTORE commands, this memory location is used to store the location in the program code up to which the DATA command values have been consumed by the running code.

By clearing this value, the code will begin consuming DATA command values from the beginning of the program again.

001262 005767 TST 13666
001266 001404 BEQ 1300

Next the value in memory location 13666 is tested. As described in Part 11 (see TRAP 112 in particular), when the program code is running, memory address 13666 is used to store the topmost address of the program code area. When the code is not running, R5 is used for this purpose and the value at address 13666 will be zero. TRAP 112 is the only place where a value other than zero is assigned to memory location 13666.

If the value at memory location 13666 it is equal to zero, control branches to 1300 to return immediately.

001270 016705 MOV 13666, R5
001274 005067 CLR 13666
001300 000207 RTS PC

Otherwise, the value from memory location 13666 is copied into R5 before the memory location is cleared. Control then returns to the calling code.

BASIC RUN command

The RUN command is used to begin execution of a program that has been typed in deferred mode. Here's the code:

004150 104516 TRAP 116
004152 005067 CLR 13660
004156 016701 MOV 13662, R1
004162 005201 INC R1
004164 012767 MOV #13507, 10050
004172 012767 MOV #1, 13664
004200 000167 JMP 3004

Let's see what happens:

004150 104516 TRAP 116

Firstly TRAP 116, just described above, is used to reset the running state of the program.

004152 005067 CLR 13660

Memory location 13660 is cleared. When executing, this memory location is used to store the line number of the currently executing line.

004156 016701 MOV 13662, R1
004162 005201 INC R1

The content of memory address 13662 is then copied into R1. This memory location contains the memory address of the beginning of the program code. The first character in the program code area is a linefeed. This is so that every line in the program (including the first line) has a linefeed character both before and after it. R1 is incremented so that it now points at the first character of the first command in the program.

004164 012767 MOV #13507, 10050

The value 13507 is moved into memory location 10050. This is the initial "seed" of the random number generator, which will be discussed later. Briefly, if the RANDOMIZE command is not used, the random number generator will generate the same numbers every time a program is run.

004172 012767 MOV #1, 13664
004200 000167 JMP 3004

Finally, a 1 is moved to location 13664. This memory address is used as a flag to indicate whether or not a program is running.

Control then jumps to 3004, which is the main syntax parsing loop, to begin executing the program.

BASIC STOP and END commands

The STOP and END commands are used to stop execution of a running program. The two commands, while similar, are slightly different.

END is placed at the end of a program. In other words, it must be the command with the highest line number in a program. STOP, on the other hand, can be placed anywhere in a program.

In either case, the same code is executed:

004106 104402 TRAP 2
004110 012700 MOV #4132, R0
004114 104466 TRAP 66
004116 104404 TRAP 4
004120 104402 TRAP 2
004122 005067 CLR 13660
004126 000167 JMP 3112

; This is the string "STOP AT LINE "
004132 052123
004134 050117
004136 040440
004140 020124
004142 044514
004144 042516
004146 000040

Let's see how this works.

004106 104402 TRAP 2

First, TRAP 2 is used to display a carriage return and line feed.

004110 012700 MOV #4132, R0
004114 104466 TRAP 66
004116 104404 TRAP 4
004120 104402 TRAP 2

The value 4132 is moved into R0. As can be seen above, this is the memory location of the string "STOP AT LINE ". TRAP 66 is then used to display that string. TRAP 4 is used to display the currently running line number and then TRAP 2 is used to display a carriage return and linefeed.

004122 005067 CLR 13660

The memory location that contains the currently running line number is cleared.

004126 000167 JMP 3112

Control then jumps back to the main syntax parsing loop.


As mentioned above, the BASIC random number generator will generate the same values each time a program is executed, unless the RANDOMIZE command is issued.

Here is the code of the RANDOMIZE command:

010054 016767 MOV 13710, 10050
010062 052767 BIS #1, 10050
010070 000167 JMP 2762

The value in 13710 is copied to memory address 10050. The value 13710 is incremented in a loop in TRAP 0 and TRAP 100 while waiting for an input device to become available. Its value is therefore, effectively, random based on the hardware wait times that have been experienced. This value is copied into memory location 10050, which is effectively the seed of the random number generator. Bit 1 of the value is set, so the value will always be odd.

Control will then jump to 2762, back to the main syntax parsing loop.

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Piotr Piątek
Piotr Piątek
Oct 05, 2022

Sorry, I'm no longer active in the PDP-11 related stuff :-(


Oct 05, 2022

There's a bug in RSTS BASIC-Plus, and I wonder if you can find it. In 1979, a friend and I crashed our high school's PDP-11 (and got kicked out of the computer room for it) by simultaneously entering, at two terminals, the command "PRINT 32767% + 1%". Or "PRINT -32768% - 1%". Or something that caused an integer overflow; I don't remember exactly what it was. I've tried to reproduce it on my PiDP-11 but have not been able to.

My guess is that there's a overflow handler that's non-re-entrant, but that's only a guess. I also don't know for sure what version of RSTS we were running.

But if you could track it down, that would be great! I'm even…


Piotr Piątek
Piotr Piątek
Jan 09, 2022

I'm glad I found your blog! I'm involved in reverse-engineering of this BASIC interpreter, too. More precisely, of its version used in a Russian PDP-11 clone named DVK-1 <>. It doesn't differ from the original, only the English messages have been crudely patched with Russian ones. Here's the binary image and my partially commented disassembly listing: <>

I prefer hexadecimal notation of numbers, despite the tradition of using octal one.

This BASIC reuses portions of code and algorithms described in following documents:

floating point routines <>

expression evaluator <>

transcendental functions <>

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